Saturday, September 26, 2009

Coral's Birthday

Wishing a Happy, Happy Birthday! Coral, your party was fantastic!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Ms. Beth and Kaylie made Snickerdoodle cookies today. When I got back from Detroit, Kaylie said, "Ms. Beth cookies". I knew at that moment she wanted to tell me all about her day in the kitchen. Ms. Beth wrote out the recipe so that we can bake the cookies again and she included a personal note..."Kaylie: I hope you enjoy these as much as I did at your age!"

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Dada has the day off today and every Sunday. This way we all can just relax!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Frog Pool Filled with Balls

The most magical thing happened last night. While I was sleeping, a frog pool with loads and loads of tiny plastic, colorful balls appeared on our back deck! This will provide hours of entertainment.

Friday, September 18, 2009

ABCs and 123s

Ms. Beth wrote...
Haven't witnessed one in ages (in regards to the potty training) although it is looking more hopeful. She now squats to go, albeit in her diaper indicating that she is more aware. Kaylie surprises me every day. Over the last week she has begun to recite the alphabet. She gets A-G right consistently and she counts to ten (1-6 and 10 are solid, 7,8,9, are hit and miss). She also seems to recognize a number of letters and numbers when she sees them in print.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Obachan Leaves

Obachan leaves early this morning to fly back to Texas. She has to go back to take care of Siya and Grandpapa. Mommy told me that next time Grandpapa will arrive and stay a few days to play, especially to play "catch"with me. I would like that very much but I will still look for Obachan in the blue room.

Monday, September 14, 2009

No ConCrude

It has been a week since our trip to Atlanta for the DragonCon Convention and neither I nor Mommy or Daddy are sick. We all may have dodged the ConCrude. Yippee!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kaitlyn's Birthday at the Stony Creek Metro Park

The sun was shining, the breezes were blowing and it was the perfect day to celebrate Kaitlyn's 10th birthday. The party was held at Stony Creek Metro Park, the place where Dada spent many summers working at the boat rental and sometimes at the pay booth. The families gathered and Obachan got to meet for the first time some of Auntie Debbie's family.

Auntie Kimber's Gandy Dancer Celebration

Happy Birthday Auntie Kimber! We all love you very much!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Enjoying the Sunshine While it Lasts

Dada took me to the Esch park today so that we could soak up as much summer fun as possible. Autumn is just around the corner...

Rocking Moose and Table and Chairs

Mommy, Ms. Beth, Obachan and I all went to IKEA today for some Kaylie shopping. Obachan and Obachan acting on behalf of Papa gave me the best little red rocking moose. They also got me a table and chairs to that Ms. Beth and I can go crafts during the winter months. Thank-you again Obachan and GrandPapa! I love them very much!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Gifts from Obachan and Papa

Obachan arrived from Texas this afternoon bearing lots of kisses, hugs, and gifts. I got a Siya dog backpack, an baby Elmo doll, and new shoes. I have progressed tremendously since August when she last saw me. I must show her my climbing ability...and let's see what else?

Monday, September 7, 2009

How many monkeys jumping on the couch?

Final Day of Dragon Con...

Auntie Kim has a picture of me with R2D2 that I hope to be able to share with you, so stayed tuned. It was great to see a lot of characters, however, I did not see Elmo or any dragons this time. Perhaps next year...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day 4 VIP "Lounge"

After a hard day of exploring, I need lots of rest and nourishment. It is hard to be on vacation. Still no sign of dragons...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 3 The Parade

The parade this morning was spectacular! There were all kinds of costumes ranging from Storm Troopers to magical elves. I especially enjoyed the mixed-matched clown band. Mommy liked the elements of the Periodic Table and Daddy took photos of the interesting personalities. I really enjoyed my time playing with Eden with the stones prior to the parade.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 2 Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

Day 2 Dracon.Con. I've noticed that one of the fun events here is to eat and drink. I'm learning. Still have not spotted any dragons.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Travel to Atlanta

We travel today to my second Dragon.Con convention. Plane rides, water falls and walkways at the airport, lobbies and rooms at the hotel, just to name a few. And so much more to explore...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dad's New DSLR Camera

Dada has a new toy, a digital SLR Camera. Here are a few pieces of his early work...